Need just 2 words to describe them : PERFECT PROFESSIONALS
Our stories are real, we just set the scene and direct...
We plan ......
plain weddings .... dressed in white....
traditional weddings .... where musicians accompany the bride along cobbled streets ...
weddings in black and white ... where the groom chooses to remain unshaved .....
modern weddings .... where the bride is without a wedding dress ....
colorful weddings .... with spices and scents from the East ....
original weddings which are never the same as others ..... because we respect the uniqueness of our couples
We love the brides that planned everything a year in advance. The ones who know all the varieties of flowers, who want to check where the last ribbon will be placed ..... because they're the ones that help us evolve. We adore the brides that never follow the plan, even though we run around in panic .... because maybe they're the ones that know the meaning of life and it is exciting for us to organize them.
We root for the grooms with open shirts who are waiting for their bride with a bunch of wildflowers.
We admire the creaseless groomswho are familiar with the latest trends and surprise us pleasantly, since they lift the bar high so that we can go under it together.
We get emotional with the fathers who feel awkward to give away their daughters and we are all there to encourage them.
We earn the trust of the mothers who get stressed-out because they want everything to be perfect on their child's wedding day.
And of course, we do our best and love organizing Christenings for babies that arrived rather late. How blessed we feel living in the beat of intense feelings....
We feel a little bit stronger for the children who are traditionally named after their early - departed grandparents. We give extra credit to all the parents who have devoted long hours in search of the most suitable name for their child and choose it without a second thought.
They told us to write what we do ...... We choose to write about who we truly are ....
We are waiting for you with an open heart, we just need a motive, a tiny opening, a detail to create our true story .... as long as it is filled with love.
El Stories Team
The creators of El Stories definetely are the two sisters, Eleni & Yiota but if there is something that we are proud of, it is our team which is trained to provide high quality services.
We take care any Project, personal and professional EVENTS. We undertake the birth of an idea, the design and we successfully reach its completion, in every detail.
Finally, we are ready to create the environment that our protagonists will feel not just familiar, but completely their own. The common goal is to live without stress and inhibitions in their own personal or professional big moments.

Yiota Kallianioti